Animal stories

Throughout the years, I’ve had conversations with ‘wild’ animals, because I was curious about their reason for being on our earth and about what energies they embody on our globe. I’d love to share some of these stories with you!

Experience the amazing stories that animals communicate with Nadine from Lunaria. Gain valuable insights and create a closer connection with your pet during an animal communication session!
Journey into the beautiful stories that animals express with Nadine from Lunaria. Learn important lessons and enrich your bond with your pet through an animal communication session!

What can we learn from animals?

I’m able to contact with animals beyond the physical, mental and spiritual level and I can connect with them at a collective consciousness of their species. What I've learned so far has moved me deeply and has helped me to understand the meaning and interconnectedness of everything. It has made me realize that even the animals that annoy or disgust us, have an impressive significance in the overall structure of creation and thus I can feel admiration and love for them now.


The Lama

Tell me, what message do you Lamas have to mankind?

“We deal with spirituality and mental clarity. Where we live - high altitudes with thin air and barren conditions - it is easy to achieve spiritual clarity. We stand for sobriety, frugality. If you want to gain spiritual clarity, come and meditate with us. Automatically you’ll hardly have any more needs and you’ll be able to feel what truly matters. We also help you with our immense calm and presence. We have an indescribable grounding power in us and yet we are highly sensitive. This is the medicine of the llamas for you. Our medicine helps and supports you to open your hearts. In contact with the lamas your hearts become big, wide and soft.”


The Dassel (an endoparasite)

Tell me, what’s the meaning of your existence?

D: “Thank you very much for giving us a voice!”

N: I’m being given sensations: Buzzing, moving limb bodies, warmth, inertia. I see these tiny filamentous eggs. They need warmth, security, moisture and electrolytes. They get all this from the mammal (horse). Maternal security. They enter their brood cavity through the mouth. Dassel, why do you stay in the stomach of other animals for example?

D: “The stomach wall is not smooth, there are many furrows and folds. The stomach acid is only mild in these animals. There is also no suction in the stomach, we can nestle comfortably in the folds of the stomach skin here. When we’re ripe, we let ourselves slide. The light and the air are the signal to hatch. The fly lives in the element of air. This time is the most exhausting and the most dangerous. When it has hatched the eggs, it comes to rest and gives up its body. We symbolize BEING, the cycle of life, security, being comfortable. We convey this vibration to our host. Comfort, satiety, pleasure.”

N: But … you harm your ‘host’, why?

D: “The mammal needs a lot. We give it what it lacks on a material level in the outside world. We ‘balance’ it on the inside by multiplying ourselves. So, our host (the horse) lacks satiety, needs fulfilment and security. That’s what we give it.”

N: When horses supposedly die from ‘botfly infestation’, o they actually die from lack of security and care?

D: “Exactly, lack of care, attention, food and peers”.

N: My question about how to protect my horse from you is now unnecessary. Is there anything else you would like to share with me as a ‘message’ to the world?

D: “Yes. It's about acceptance. Don't fight against anything. On the surface, our existence seems harmful. However, on the deeper, energetic level, we bring something into your life that you are missing. We ‘parasites’ only compensate. Try to recognize and understand this level. Then you’ll realize that you should accept something and integrate something into your life instead of fighting something else on the surface.”


The fly

Tell me, what message do you flies have to mankind?

A fly first touches me on the arm, flies away and then it shows itself again sitting on a stone in front of me. N: Is there something you would like to tell me dear fly?

F: “I’m grateful for the sun, it makes me alive.”

N: I like and enjoy the sun also very much. It’s November and I’m in Tyrol.
F: “… but for me it means more. With the cold, I will die. That's why I savour every moment.”.

N: Do you want to tell me something about your mission in life?

F: “I’m a collector. I collect sensory impressions. I’ve many more sensory impressions in a moment than you do. You think a fly's life is short, but that’s only appearance. We have 1000 times more impressions than you, thus our life is 1000 times more intensive than yours.”

N: Please show yourself again. I’d like to see you (fly sits on the stone again). So, explain to me again, what exactly is your task in your life?

F: “Intensity, touching, surfaces, feeling. We collect and distribute; we absorb and distribute again. We also mix the air. When we come to a person, we remind them of the moment, the intensity of the moment. People who react annoyed and hit us, do not want to know about it. They’re chasing something that isn’t real. They’re chasing spinning; are in their heads and lost in thoughts.”

N: What is it like when you’re being eaten?

F: “It doesn't matter, we live on in our descendants. All generations are connected with each other like with golden threads. The generations are not separated from each other, as with you.”

N: What are you collecting right now?

F: “Little sugar drops.”

N: Where do they come from?

F: “From the needles.”

N: Could I do something for you?

F: “Remind yourself every now and then of ‘the being of a fly’, by doing so you will inspire more people.”.

N: How is your life here? Do you wish something from people?

F: “They should stop chasing something.”

N: Is there something in relation to nature, the environment?

F: “No thanks. I live anyway, I will always live, one way or another, I always go about my business, regardless of external circumstances.”

N: Thank you very much! I wish you many more warming rays of sunshine.

Discovering Animal Communication:
My Insights and Approach Inspired by Penelope Smith

My studies with Penelope Smith have given me valuable insights into animal communication and the ethical framework that shapes our interactions with animals. In this introduction I'll explain my approach and how I connect with your pet during our time together.

  • We are guided by compassion for all living beings.

  • We want to help all species understand each other better.

  • Above all, we want to give people back their lost ability to communicate freely and directly with other species.

  • We respect those who come to us for help.

  • We do not condemn them for their mistakes and misunderstandings, nor do we reject them. Rather, we welcome their desire for change and their desire for harmony.

  • We know that we need to evolve spiritually in order to work as flawlessly and harmoniously as possible.

  • We are aware that our unfulfilled feelings, our critical mind or a lack of love of self and neighbour can cast a shadow over telepathic communication.

  • We practice humility, always ready to recognize and correct our own misunderstandings when communicating with others (be they human or non-human beings).

  • We seek to expand our knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of human and non-human behaviours and relationships in order to improve the outcomes of our work.

  • We take every opportunity for further training and accept all help to work in a more effective, compassionate, respectful, serene and balanced way.

  • We strive to bring out the best in every being and to deepen mutual understanding so that everyone involved can find a common solution to problems.

  • We help those who ask for our help. Because those seeking advice are open-minded, so that our work can be successful.

  • We respect the feelings and thoughts of others.

  • We are committed to inter-species understanding and do not play one off against the other, but feel compassion for all.

  • We accept what we cannot change and take action where we are most likely to succeed.

  • We respect the privacy of people and animal companions in our work and honour their wishes for confidentiality.

  • We do our best to help, but we never go so far as to violate the dignity of those seeking help.

  • We stand by them as they help their animal companions.

  • We want to promote the understanding and independence of those seeking help and not make them dependent on our abilities.

  • We show people ways in which they can learn to understand their fellow creatures from other species and develop together with them.

  • We are aware of our personal limitations and, if necessary, seek the support of other specialists. It is not our job to recognize and treat diseases.

  • We refer those seeking advice to veterinarians and/or animal health practitioners for the diagnosis of physical illnesses.

  • However, we should pass on the animal's thoughts, feelings, pain and symptoms of illness as they are described to us or as we perceive them to the vets or animal health practitioners, as this can be useful information.

  • We support healing and recovery with the help of counselling sessions and gentle healing techniques.

  • We inform our clients as much as possible about the healing methods, give them all the information available to us and let them decide for themselves which measures they want to use to support the treatment of their animal companion's complaints, illnesses or injuries.

  • The goals of every consultation, lecture, class and personal interspecies relationship are to deepen communication, strive for greater balance, compassion and understanding, and spiritual communion with all living beings.

  • We follow our hearts and honour spirit and all life as one.