Would you like to to relax and rejuvenate using Mother Nature as your guide?
Hi, I’m Nadine!
Hello, I'm Nadine and each day, I’m moved by the resilience of nature and its power to rejuvenate. We can all learn from understanding her cues and that's where I come in to lend a hand. Let's explore ways to unwind and recharge, taking cues from nature as our inspiration.
Curious about how I can help you? I offer various services to explore nature's healing messages and rejuvenating effects of nature.
Animal Communication
It’s possible that your per or animal needs a help for its well-being, or you might find deeper meaning in what it’s trying to express to you. When you allow me to connect with your pet’s energy, I can interpret its behaviours, ultimately supporting both you and its health.
Hoof Trimming
Is your horse in need of a hoof trim? Are you looking for a natural and alternative approach to prevent hoof issues instead of just addressing them after they occur? Check out Hoof Orthopaedics for your horse, promoting health and allowing them to go barefoot.
There are more services like this available. Feel free to get in touch!
Alternative Healing
Discover unique alternative healing practices that connect your mind, body and heart. These methods will help you align your energy and strengthen your natural healing abilities, creating a sense of inner peace that allows for personal growth, fulfilment and well-being.
Alternative Healing >
“I chose the name Lunaria, because it symbolizes uncovering hidden aspects of ourselves that are longing to be discovered. This process of revelation is similar to how the silver leaf plant works. As the silverleaf plant blossoms, it reveals an oval leaf containing its seed. Removing the delicate covering reveals a beautiful pearlescent surface. Just like the radiant light within you.”
How can I be of help?
By tuning into my intuition and connecting with my Higher Self, I can read the messages from your soul or your pet's soul during our time together. I can sense any aches or pains in my body, which is serving as a medium for feelings and expressions to be noticed. These insights can touch on past wounds, hidden desires, unvoiced thoughts, subtle signals and other deep wisdom. I’m also guided to focus on specific areas that need care, which could involve healing sessions, shamanic journeys, emotional releases, Ho'oponopono and more. Each session is new and insightful. Interested in exploring this? Feel free to get in touch!
What are the benefits
of a session with me?
“When the invisible is given SPACE to be perceived and seen, energy can be released and clarified”.
Throughout our sessions, I aim to empower you with valuable knowledge and insights that will shed light on the healing path for you, your animal, or both. My commitment lies in enabling communication between different souls – human, animal, or nature's essence. Simultaneously, I will work on aligning your energy field and offering assistance throughout the journey. Together, we will establish a safe environment where the unseen can be acknowledged and understood, allowing for the release and clarification of energy.