Lunaria’s Story

Many moons ago, in a magical land, a story unfolded that started with, "Once upon a time ..."

Are you curious about how I began my journey of connecting with animals and the healing practices that shaped my path? If so, keep reading to discover out how I can support you.

The Unexpected Gift …

Animals tell me stories. Let me tell you one as well. As of the age of 5, I started dreaming about having my own horse one day. I thought about it every second, day and night. It was the only wish I had; for birthday, Easter, Christmas and so on.

Finally, my dream came true and I received more than I had hoped for. That year, when I was 15 years old, my father bought me an 11-year-old race horse; beautiful, shiny and black. We didn’t know yet that the mare was pregnant. After a few months I thus had 2 horses. Only, instead of it being a joyous time of having 2 horses, it didn’t go as I had dreamed of.

Healing Hooves

It turned into a story of my horses having dramatic diseases and all kinds of accidents. Similar things also happened to other horses I took care of in the following years who were heavily traumatized or showed obscure behaviour. I couldn’t help but wonder what was happening here.

I was always looking for reasons and answers as to why things weren't going as I had originally hoped. At some point I understood that the task I was given with the horses had nothing to do with riding or training.

There were simply always horses around me, only it had nothing to do with being a successful rider. Instead of becoming successful in distance races or jumping, something I had dreamed of for years, I became a specialist in treating wounds, infections, colics and other strange horse diseases.

A Journey into Telepathy

One day I met a woman who was practicing ‘Communications with Animals´ according to the method of Animal Talk from Penelope Smith. Instead of answering my questions about her work, she plainly said: “You can do this too on your own!”.

I booked my first workshop for ´Telepathic Interspecies Communication´ and then many other courses followed and I enjoyed taking part in a complete training with Birgit Kuntze in 2017. I chose her, because she lives in Tirol and it allowed me to look at the mighty mountains outside during the training sessions. I love mountains so much, because I admire their power.

What´s special about Birgit is that she works telepathically and with invisible energies and at the same time she has an incredible power and she is very grounded and down-to-earth at the same time. Her classes were clearly structured and her exercises very effective and memorable and I will never forget them.

When I started working with animals myself, I found it remarkable that often the most silent or shy animals started a conversation with me. The owners gave me the feedback that their animal had never communicated to anybody before. I was so impressed by the answers I got and at the same time, I couldn’t realize it or believe it myself. Were these animals really communicating with me? I was really insecure about all of it.

From Curiosity to Connection

My journey of self-healing and self-realization continued and I tried various healing journeys; with drums, family constellations and sweat lodge retreats in the company of shamanic healers. These experiences have guided me through my own transformational processes.

Furthermore, my work as a hoof orthopaedist has shown me, while helping the horses to have more comfortable feet, how important it is to have contact with Mother Earth, barefoot and bare hooves. While I helped the horses to have better balance, I also felt much more centred and grounded myself afterwards.

What I noticed during all of these experiences is how curious I became about working with energies. It became really clear to me that I can feel energy with my hands when I'm near animals or even plants. I decided to book a course on ´Reconnective Healing´ with Eric Pearl in 2013. After that I also got trained in ´HMO’, which stands for Healing Magnetic Order Therapy, with Johanna Arnold in Munich, 2021.

Grounded in Healing

On Mallorca in 2022 I came across Dain Heer's method called ´Access Consciousness´ and it's incredible how quickly it's possible to dissolve old blocking thought patterns with the help of his certain sentences and questions.

To conclude, after 26 years of experience of living and working with animals and having followed various courses and training as well as having practiced all exercises I have been given, I decided it’s time to offer my skills to those who need it.

In my journey of continuous self-improvement and introspection, aligning with both my inner self and nature, I’m committed to guiding you in the most effective way possible and looking forward to meeting you. I´m here and I´d love to hear from you, so I can support you on your journey.


“The name Lunaria resonates with me as it symbolizes the discovery of the hidden parts of ourselves that are eager to be revealed. This process is similar to the way the silver leaf plant operates. When it blooms, it uncovers an oval leaf that holds its seed, and by removing the delicate outer layer, a beautiful, iridescent surface is exposed. Just like the inner light that shines within you”.