Hoof Trimming

Does your horse need a hoof trim? Are you seeking a natural and alternative way to prevent hoof problems rather than just treating them? Discover Hoof Orthopaedics for your horse, helping the horse stay healthy and go barefoot.

I'm Nadine from Lunaria. I specialise in hoof orthopaedics, or as many call it, hoof trimming to help horses go barefoot. Horses have always been a part of my life and through extensive training and practical experience I've honed my skills in treating wounds, infections, colics and other unique animal health conditions.

Is your horse due for a hoof trim? Explore Hoof Orthopaedics Trimming for natural solutions to prevent hoof issues and keep your horse happy and healthy!

Is your horse due for a hoof trim?

Explore Hoof Orthopaedics Trimming for natural solutions to prevent hoof issues and keep your horse happy and healthy!

Optimise hoof condition

Hoof orthopaedic trimming is an effective approach to a wide range of hoof problems. Conditions such as lameness, horn cracks, decay, abscesses, thrush, bunions and broken hoof walls can often be effectively treated by improving the shape of the hoof, thereby improving the condition of your horse's hooves.

Rehabilitation of hooves

By focusing on hoof rehabilitation, we can effectively stop the development of various medical conditions, helping horses regain their ability to walk pain-free. Conditions like hoof cancer, chronic laminitis, calcified cartilages, and podotrochlosis can often be managed successfully through rehabilitation, significantly reducing the risk of worsening the situation.

There's a wide range of services tailored for animals, including Animal Communication. I'd love to hear from you, so don't hesitate to contact me!

Prevent hooves rotation

Trimming hooves helps to prevent them from rotating incorrectly. By following the principles of barefoot hoof care when trimming, we can stop the hoof wall from rotating and restore the connection between the coffin bone and the hoof capsule. This practice significantly reduces the risk of future acute laminitis.

Discover natural hoof care solutions at Hoof Orthopaedics! Keep your horse healthy and prevent hoof problems with our expert trimming services.

Nadine Waschewski

Not sure about all the terms listed here? That’s totally okay! When we get together to evaluate your horse's hooves and overall health, I'll explain everything in simple, easy-to-understand language.

Plus, I work alongside another skilled alternative practitioner to provide analyses of hair roots, saliva and horn, giving us a complete picture of your horse's condition and a holistic approach to therapy.

Horses, other animals and you - more services

✔ Review the condition of the horse's hooves for any health problems.

✔ A complete evaluation of your horse's health involves analyzing the hair roots, saliva and horn of the hooves.

✔ Promote healthy hooves for your horse by applying hoof orthopaedic trimming methods.

✔ Provide a holistic therapy plan for your horse's hooves and overall health to ensure they remain in condition.

✔ Connect with your horse to explore what their health and behavior are communicating to you.

✔ Supporting you as you learn from your horse's health and how it reflects on your own journey to self-care.

Here's a little insight into what to expect and how hoof trimming can be done.

  • Together with another qualified alternative practitioner, Sandra Haas, I offer analyses for both humans and animals. By examining hair roots, saliva and horn, we can offer a detailed insight into the current state of the body and suggest holistic therapies.

  • When I come by to check on your horse, I focus on the hooves, but I always consider them in relation to the entire horse during hoof treatment. This approach helps me gather information about the horse's energy, muscle tone, skin health, and the condition of its coat and hooves, along with any previous medications and body imbalances. Sometimes, I might detect the early stages of a hoof ulcer at the corner strut, a unique smell from the horn, or watery eyes, all of which reveal important connections to other conditions.

  • A common condition that is frequently misunderstood and treated incorrectly is known as 'brittle horn.' When horse owners notice poor quality in their horse's hoof horn, they often turn to biotin, believing it will enhance horn growth. I remind them that horn is mainly made up of a protein called 'keratin,' and brittle horn is often linked to a lack of protein. However, simply adding vitamins, minerals, or protein sources like alfalfa won't improve hoof health if there are issues like hyperacidity or fungal infections present. Hair analysis can provide valuable insights, allowing for a comprehensive and effective treatment plan.

Does your horse need a hoof trim? Try Hoof Orthopaedics for natural care options that help prevent hoof issues and promote overall hoof health.

Horse Stories

Healing Hooves

Growing up I was always fascinated by the natural world, especially the way plants grow and regenerate. Horses have also been an important part of my life, although not in the way I had imagined. For example, at the age of five I dreamed of becoming a successful rider, but my path turned out to be quite different ...